Sunday, June 14, 2015

Getting called as ASL

When my youngest sister was born, my parents decided that we should learn some basic sign language in an attempt to use that as communication for my sister until speaking was easier for her to do. For two ish years we watched videos and tried to learn signs. I had a negative attitude and felt silly, embarrassed to learn sign language. When would I ever use that? Ha ha.

Well, as I was applying for my mission, a portion asked for my language preference. I put down English and was satisfied with that. After a Priesthood meeting I was socializing with my friends and talking about my mission application. My father suggested I add american sign language to the list. Why not, I guess? So I did. I gave my grade of how well I knew it to be a C I think.

Well, move forward a bit and I get my Mission call! And...

I get called to Houston Texas, American Sign Language "speaking"! What the? Wow... I was so surprised! I thought to myself, this will be easy! Sign language, just pointing at pictures and stuff right? Houston Texas? I imagined myself on a horse with my companion, going from house to house filled with deaf people. How amazing would that be?

To be continued.... :)